Jumat, 29 Juni 2018

Teaching Listening: Podcasting

Assignement 11.1:

Teaching Listening:
The goal of teaching listening skills is to produce students who can use listening strategies to maximize their
comprehension. To help students achieve the goal there are of course many things that teachers should consider.Yet,
the consideration should be mostly on the process of listening rathen that the product of listening. If focus on the
product of listening only then the tendencey is that we do not teach listening rather we test listening. Then what are
the strategies? The following articles discuss theories about the developemnt of listening skills, tips on how to
deliver a listening activities and some practical tips on listening activties that can be performed by teachers and
students while learning a language.

The links  below inspire us with activities/Lesson plan that can be adapted to teach listening

In addition to those theories and activities for teaching listening, what should also be taken into account is the 
materials to be used. Listening is really not only a classroom activityfor language learners but should also be a 
recreational activity outside classroom. Listening will be much more meaningful if what to listen is really of 
students interest and students has option to do that, such what, when and whereever they want to listen.

Podcast is one technology that may enable that. It will give teachers easy access to authentic listening materials 
wherever and whenever they want as long as there is internet connection. Students can also do the same. Moreover, with 
podcast both students and teachers can build their own library of their interest. So, What is Podcast?


PODCAST was originally from the 'audio blogging' activity in 1980's. but then the term podcast was coined following
the introduction of iPOD by the Apple Company in 2001. The term Podcast itself was introduced for the first time by a
british journalist, Ben Hammersley in 2004. He blended the word 'Boradcast' and 'iPod' into Podcast.

The idea of podcast was actually broadcasting of media than can be in the form of audio, video, or even document
files. The broadcasting was done thorugh the internet and what more is that subscription is enabled, and those media
is downloadable and that makes audience can access the media easily by using either PC, MAC or Portable devices, such as IPOD or Android Devices. For further information about PODCASTING see here:
Podcast explained

Few examples of podcast can be checked here:
So.. Have you got an idea what podcast is? The follwoing videos show how to SUBSCRIBE to a PODCAST SERVICE by
using A PODCAST RECEIVER Software, for example 

if you have problem locating the URL adddress of the podcast you want to subscribe checkt he following video:
Once you have the URL of the podcast you can the start subscribing to the podcast feed by using GPODDER or ITUNES.

Technology and The teaching of listening skills:

The following slides by Paula hodgson outline some of the important ideas about teaching listening with technology:

One kind of technology that is ubiquitous today is PODCAST. Then, how we can use podcast for language teaching? and why are the potentilas that it offers for language teaching and learning.The following articles provide answers for the two questions:

2.     Podcasting for ELT 

In addition to the above mentioned podcasting sources, the following websites provide podcasts though not specifically for the purpose EFL teaching and learning but may still be usefull for EFL teaching and learning since they give chance to learners to listen to authentic listening materials which are based on various topics that might interest EFL students.

1.     VOA News 
2.     BBC 
3.     National Geographic 

Assignment 11.2:
Looking bacjk at an article in this link (Podcasting for ELT), at the last part you will find information about how to create you own podcast. Here are the steps taken from the article:
To be able to produce your own podcast, you require:
  • A means of recording audio in the mp3 file format
    You can do this on a PC equipped with speakers and a microphone. However, if you want to record students in your classroom, you will need a handheld mp3 player or mobile phone with recording facilities.
  • Audio editing software
    The program 
    Audacity is a powerful free tool that is popular with many podcasters. Although you can simply record the show in order, using a tool such as Audacity allows you to edit out the mistakes, change the order of students and add music and sound effects, creating a more professional show. Don't worry, Audacity is remarkably easy to use.
The following is a video tutorial about making podcast file using Audacity:
  • A weblog
    This is your podcast's home on the Web.  Here you can publish show notes to accompany the podcast.
  • An RSS feed
    A subscription feed that supports 'enclosures' is available free at Feedburner. Feedburner makes it very easy to produce the feed that people use to subscribe to podcasts. The feed is created by ticking checkboxes in a list.
  • Space online to store the audio files. There are now some sites such as Our Media that offer this for free.
What you have to do is:
1.     In  your group ( See the grouping page), Make your own podcast by recording a coversation (your own conversation) about cultural differences or culture shock that you have ever witnessed, experienced, or thought of. The conversation should not be longer than 3 minutes. The following are examples of podcast on the topics of culture differences and culture shock. check them:
·         Culture shock podcast - CULIPS
·         Working overseas - ESLPOD
·         Kisses in Canada- CULIPS
·         The Cajun Culture
2. To better the quality of your recording you may use AUDACITY to edit your recording.
3. Upload your recording to soundcloud (
https://soundcloud.com/)  and send me the URL! Just one URL for every group.

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